Independent Consultant?

Aspiring, Start-Up, Rising, Experienced, or Established Independent Consultant? You're at the right place.

The Consultant Collaborative is the place for Independent Consultants to build confidence and momentum for thriving on their own, while never being alone.

Sign up for guest CoLab webinars below this video.

Just for You, the Independent Consultant!

Where You Are on Your Practice Journey?

You’re excited but on edge about leaving the security of a steady paycheck and benefits. The Consultant Collaborative will give you the confidence and reassurance you need to take that first big step. Get guidance from those who’ve been where you are.

The first year is overwhelming with tasks, learning curves, infrastructure, and getting clients. Find the support and direction you need to make smarter, better, and faster decisions by borrowing the experiences of Members. Get real results sooner.

At 1 to 3 years in business, the honeymoon is over. Wearing so many hats and contending with their related learning curves is an income and workload "feast or famine" pattern. Turn to Collaborative Members and Events for insights and clarity to add stability. Take control of your practice and your future or it will take control of you.

3 to 8 years into your independent consultant journey, you've navigated those perilous early years. Whew, what a ride! You recognize, however, you're leaving far too much money on the table. Now's the time for advanced strategies to simplify and scale your expertise and start making money while you sleep.

After 8 or more years of leading your practice, you're likely wondering "What’s next?" Draw fresh insights and energy from Members as you mentor, collaborate, and implement your thought leadership plan in this new and exciting next chapter. Profitable ventures await—it just might be with a Consultant Collaborative Member.

"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."

Proverbs 27:17

Sneak Peek

of the

Consultant Collaborative


Three Mondays per month you will convene with other members in a learning and relationship-building live videoconference experience with breakouts.

Let's Talk Shop

Stuck on something? Need some advice? Trying to figure out what app to use? Turn to Let's Talk Shop on Wednesdays for individual and group brainstorming and input.

Relationships > Referrals > Revenues

The more engaged you are in the Consultant Collaborative, the more Members you'll meet who can refer you and reciprocate.

Know and Be Known

Member-to-Member interaction happens in CoLab breakouts, Member Meetups, and Let's Talk Shop events. Within the Collaborative private, online community, you'll set up a profile, ask and answer questions, chat, and more. Soon, you'll have a virtual sales force of close colleagues.

More to Come

The roadmap of Member services includes a robust experiential, member-to-member online platform to host resource libraries, CoLab recordings, forums, courses, and more.

Signing up today gains you free access

to guest CoLab online events and future perks.

Next Guest CoLab is Monday, December 16, 3:00 to 4:15 pm EST


The Consultant Collaborative is an emerging, esprit de corps, peer-to-peer community for independent consultants to gather and gain greater satisfaction, success, and profitability on their terms with an eye on a 10X or greater ROI.

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